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Be brave!


Product Description

Front: “We have to be braver than we think we can be, because God it constantly calling us to be                                                                                 more than we are.”

Inside: ‘You will be surprised by what you can do.’    Those waves can look pretty big to a little guy to face with his his surf board. Our waves may seem bigger, or insurmountable. This quote from Madeleine L’Engle is the perfect challenge to those who are willing to step out in faith and face the unknown. Let’s encourage each other to go beyond what just feels safe and comfortable. We are made for more!

Special thanks and remembrance to my dear friend, Arden, who loved her son, Tian passionately. This photograph that she shared will help to carry on her legacy and contribute to our Vision Project.  Because of people like her and folks like you, we have shared hundreds of reading glasses and thousands of dollars to provide cataract surgeries and eye care to people in need throughout the world.


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